Is your Cute Mask Effective?
Homemade N95 Masks in the midst of shortage: Materials such as handkerchiefs, pantyhose, Jersey material and most regular fabrics are not suitable, effective material to create a N95 mask. These materials are too porous. N95 means the mask can filter out at least 95% of particles of all sizes from the air..even less than 0.1 microns. They are usually made of woven Polypropylene. N95 masks (also called respirators) are effective against viruses such the Coronavirus. Masks made of other materials are too porous and DO NOT PROTECT AGAINST THE CORONAVIRUS ALTHOUGH THEY LOOK CUTE.
CDC states N95 masks,including those intended for use in healthcare settings, are certified by CDC/NIOSH ( By the way, OSHA states that the annual N-95 fit testing is temporarily suspended during this Pandemic (
Most respiratory viruses spread by person to person. Remember the basics of hand washing, staying away from people who are sick, social distancing, keeping the 6 feet distance,avoid gatherings, sneeze/cough using tissue and discard, avoid touching eye-nose-mouth, and disinfect surfaces. Check out recommendations and stay safe.
Doc Robinson